Bactogang contents following different microbe species tio Nitrogen-Fixing bacteria
- Rhizobium the bacteria colonize plant cells within root nodules where they convert atmospheric nitrogen into amrnonia and then provide organic nitrogenous compounds.
- Azotobacter binds atmospheric nitrogen, which is inaccessible to plants, and releases it in the form of ammonium ions into the soil.
- Azospirillum it fixes the atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to plants in non-symbiotic manner that can replace 50-90% of the nitrogen fertilizer required by plants.
Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB)
PSB strains is associated with the release flow molecular weight organic acids, through which their hydroxyl and carboxyl groups chelate the cations bound to phosphate, thereby converting it into soluble forms.
Seed / seedling treatment:
3 Potash solubilizing bacteria (K513) KSB dissolves silicate minerals & releases K through the production of organic & inorganic acid. Anc mobilizing bacteria these bacteria develop by colonizingthe rhizosphere and by solubilizing complex zinc compounds into similar ones, thus making zinc available to the plants. In Actogang, we are providing 8 different Bacillus species.
It has plant growth promoting properties, aids in nitrogen fixation, iron chelation, phosphorus solubillization, growth biostimulate production etc.
Works as a biocontrol agent by rapid replication & inhabition of non-beneficial microorganisms.
Helps plant to sustain in adverse climatic conditions.
Dosage : 500ml / acre (1250ml/ha)
Application method : Drenching & Drip irrigation
Note: We can provide MET (Microbial Extraction Technology) based Actogang without live microbes but extracts of microbes which work same or better then live bactogang.