Panchagavya Organic Fertilizer | Growth Promoter – for All Crops 1 ltr




Panchagavya is an organic product has the potential to play the role of promoting growth and providing immunity in plant system. Panchagavya consists of nine products viz. Cow dung, cow urine, milk, curd, jaggery , ghee and water.
Plants sprayed with Panchagavya invariably produce bigger leaves and develop denser canopy. The photosynthetic system is activated for enhanced biological efficiency, enabling synthesis of maximum metabolites and photosynthates
The trunk produces side shoots, which are sturdy and capable of carrying maximum fruits to maturity. Branching is comparatively high.
The rooting is profuse and dense. Further they remain fresh for a long time. The roots spread and grow into deeper layers were also observed. All such roots help maximum intake of nutrients and water.
Buy Panchagavya Online from Pioneer Agro Industry in coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg

100ml, 500ml, 1 Ltr