Power Mix | Microbes Mix – 250 grm


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Phospho Bacteria add nutrients to the soil by nitrogen fixation and by solubilizing both phosphorus and sulphur. Nitrogen fixation can be achieved by a variety of microorganism including, Azotobacter and Rhizobium

Azospirillum is a bio fertilizer based on nitrogen fixing bacteria.It helps plants in the intake of atmospheric nitrogen that is essential in the healthy growth of crops. It aids in reducing the amount of usage of synthetic fertilizer.Azospirillum helps in improving plant vigour and soil health. it enhances root propagation by releasing growth promoting hormones.

Pseudomonas which is bio control agent. These acts up on microbes like Rhizoctonia and Scheleroctinia ehich causes stem-rot and root – rot of plants. Leaf blight leaf spots and other fungal diseases etc can be well controlled and prevented by pseudomonas.

Trichoderma Viride gives protection against a number of soil – borne / seed borne pathogens to crop in nursery beds and as well in field by action of myco – parasitism and antibiosis. It decomposes raw organic farm wastes, solubilizes soil phosphorus, reclaims adverse soils, promotes plant growth and protects soil eco-system. It increases the plants growth & vigour as well as built resistance in plants to drought and diseases. It is compatible with organic manures and bio fertilizers.


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Weight 0.5 kg