Turnip Seeds – நூல்கோல் விதைகள்


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Description For Turnip Seeds

Turnips are very nutritious root vegetable with fresh green tops and purple, white colored root. These vegetables are rich in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.

How To Grow Turnip From Seeds:

Introduction and Uses: Turnip, also known as Shalgam comes with a wholesome of incredible benefits. It belongs to the Brassicaceae family. This root vegetable is highly nutritious and extremely low in calories. Turnips are known to prevent cancer, improve cardiovascular health, improve bone health, aid digestion, and prevent Atherosclerosis.

Botanical Name: Brassica rapa subsp. rapa

Sowing Season: Winter

Sowing method: 

Because the seeds are small in size, Turnip plant is grown by transplantation method. Seeds are first sown indoors in seedling trays or outdoors on seed beds & later the seedlings are transplanted into the container or in raised beds.

Sowing container: Seedling trays/ seed cups/ small 
polybags/ Seed bed.

Sowing medium: Coco Peat (indoors), Fine soil (outdoors)


  • Take a seedling tray with medium sized cells & drainage holes at the bottom.
  • Fill the cells/cups with a moist coco-peat medium.
  • Hold the Turnip seeds and sow 2-3 seeds per cell/cup. Since Turnip seeds are small in size, do not sow them deep.

  • Sowing Technique:

  • Just put the seeds on the surface of the medium & push each seed a little inside the medium by using pencil tip, so that seeds are not visible on the surface anymore & cover it with more coco-peat.
  • Or make small, shallow depressions on medium with pencil bottom. Put the seed on that depression & sprinkle more coco-peat on the top to cover the seed.
  • Keep the seedling tray indoors till the seeds germinate.

  • Covering: Keep the seed tray in a box or cover it with paper for first 4-5 days to encourage faster seed germination.


  • Water the seed cells with a spoon in the first week. Provide two tablespoons of water every day. Or keep the seed tray in another tray full of water for half an hour so that the water will be absorbed by the seed cells from the bottom, via drainage holes.
  • If seed beds are made outdoors, protect them from rain or direct sunlight. Use well sieved fine soil as a sowing medium & make a nice raised bed from it. Cover the bed by making a temporary roof of a plastic sheet. Water it in the form of a light shower using a watering can.


    Sprouting Stage: Seeds will germinate within first 6-8 days & tiny sprouts will be visible. Once seeds germinate, put the tray on an open partially sunny spot near the window. Don’t cover the tray anymore.

    Cotyledons: The first two leaves will emerge in the second week of germination. These are false leaves called as cotyledons.

    First leaves: First leaves will emerge above cotyledons at the end of the second week.

    Seedling stage: Second week onwards, seedlings will start growing into a small plant. At this stage exposé the seedlings to more & more sunlight for leaf growth.

    Thinning: After the second week, keep only single seedling per cell/cup. Cut off the weak, small & lagging seedlings with a pair of scissors.

    Transplantation: 25 to 30 days after the seed sowing, your seedlings will be ready to transplant in container pots or raised beds.


  • Choose a container with a minimum depth of 12-14 inches & bigger spread area (according to available space & your requirement) like big Trays or crates.
  • Ideal planting mixture for Turnip: 2 part garden soil & 1 part Organic manure Or,
  • 1 part garden soil, 1 part Coco Peat & 1 part Vermicompost.
  • Transplant the seedling along with root ball of a medium, without disturbing its roots.

  • Spacing: Plant the seedlings minimum 2 feet apart (60×60 cm), from each other on raised beds or in a container.


    Sunlight: Turnip grows well under full sunlight in winter. So place your containers accordingly.

    Watering: Water your potted Turnip plant every alternate day in winter. Water at the soil near the plant. Use a watering can and make sure that the plants get water in the form of the shower & not by a single flow. You can also make provision for 
    watering by drip irrigation system for your raised beds. Avoid overwatering.

    Manuring: Add good quality organic manure in the soil with 2:1 ratio before transplanting the seedling. Organic fertilizer can be well rotten 
    cow dung manure, farmyard manure, compost or Vermicompost.

    Top Dressing: Apply balanced liquid fertiliser or handful of vermicompost to each plant, every 15 days after transplantation.

    Plant care: Always look for the early signs of any insect/fungal/ any other infections. Spray appropriate medicines as soon as any symptoms of such diseases are spotted. Watch out for 
    snails & slugs

    Microgreens: If you plan to grow micro greens Turnip, grow it indoors in flat containers. Sow-scatter the seeds in a crowded manner. You can harvest it in 10-15 days by uprooting baby plants.

    Harvesting: (90-100 days from seed sowing) 60 to 65 days after transplantation, bulbous roots (Turnips) will be ready to harvest. You can get single Turnip per plant. Uproot the Turnip from soil along with stem & leaves.

    Additional information

    Weight 0.015 kg